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Idle box fleet rises to 156 ships in September
Idle containership numbers since June has mounted above the levels recorded during the same period last year, when 128 ships aggregating 225,000 TEU were unemployed, reports Paris-based maritime consultant Alphaliner.
Today, the number of idle ships in the last two weeks of September came to 156, with carriers idling vessels or redelivering them as weak peak season unfolds.
The total idle capacity has increased to 335,000 TEU, compared to just 75,000 TEU three months ago. The NOO (Non-Operating Owner) idle fleet stood at 232,000 TEU, against 103,000 TEU for the carrier-controlled idle fleet, with carriers re-delivering chartered tonnage as a first option.
"More capacity will be withdrawn in the next two months as carriers start to omit sailings because of the recent Chinese National Golden Week holidays and apply winter deployment adjustments in November-December," said Alphaliner analysts.
"Market conditions have turned notably weaker as demand growth in the main US trades has been negative since June while European trades are anaemic. The outlook remains negative and idle tonnage is expected to rise to above 500,000 TEU by the end of the year compared to 360,000 TEU in December 2010," said their report.
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